Updated April 14, 2023

RE: Gastown Sidewalk Repair (February 15 – May 5)* NEW DATES

The City of Vancouver has hired a contractor (Formline Construction) to complete sidewalk repairs at a number of locations along Water St and W Cordova St (see map on back). These sidewalk repairs will help to improve pedestrian safety, comfort and accessibility in Gastown.

Many of the scheduled areas have been completed, with another major piece starting on April 17, 2023, at 375 Water and 175 Water, weather permitting. Please note that the repair of the clay brick pavers requires a minimum temperature, so weather may impact the schedule of this work.

  • Schedule: Work began February 15, 2023 and will last approximately 2-3 months. Note that the sites will be completed in phases to limit disruption. This work is weather permitting as the repair of the clay brick requires a minimum temperature, so weather may impact the schedule.
  • Detours: There will be provisions at each site so that pedestrians can navigate construction easily, keeping them on the same side of the street wherever possible. Where full closure is required, there will be safe detours around the sites. Signage will clearly indicate the detour path.

What to Expect During Construction

Construction Activity: Work will take place on typically small, isolated sections of sidewalk, which will be fenced when not under construction. Where sidewalks require full closure, signage will be provided to direct pedestrian traffic safely.

Work Hours: Construction hours will be between 7:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Saturday.

Noise and Vibration: During construction, you may experience noise from trucks, crew vehicles, and a variety of finishing equipment will be on site. Every effort will be taken by Formline Construction and City staff to minimize impacts.

Parking and Access: Parking availability may be temporarily reduced during construction hours. Please follow signage for updates and temporary changes to parking. We recommend planning ahead for alternate parking arrangements where possible during this period of construction.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you in advance for your understanding and patience during construction. If you have any questions or comments about this project, please do not hesitate to contact the Streets Design Branch at 604-873.7371 or by email at [email protected].

Detour at Gastown west entrance: There will be a major detour on the north side of Cordova St. at Water/Richards/Cordova, late February through mid-March (weather-dependent). Pedestrians will be able to stay on the north side of the street to enter Gastown.

Construction & Detour Map

The following sidewalk repair locations are included in this work. (Click on map for larger view). 







At 375 Water, work will include a closure of the full sidewalk and a pedestrian detour adjacent to the sidewalk on the north side. Traffic control personnel will be in place to help pedestrians, especially traffic from Waterfront Station, pass safely by the site and into Gastown.

At 175 Water, work will include only a partial closure of the sidewalk and limited disruption.

Yours truly,

Streets Design Branch

Engineering Services, City of Vancouver

507 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC  V5Z 0B4
[email protected]