The Challenge
We’re super excited to once again be hosting our beloved tourism professionals for the return of the Tourism Challenge. This year, we’re talking history and bricks.
To earn two stamps visit Gastown, snap photos of Blood Alley and Maple Tree Square, and answer the “million dollar” question.
See below for full instructions.

Stop 1 – Blood Alley Square
(I’m across from Gringo and Is That French)
Welcome to the new Blood Alley Square. Gastown is now home to TWO public plazas (see the next stop for the second plaza), with plenty more public spaces to come this summer. This isn’t the first time that Blood Alley has been rehabilitated.
The initial planning of the first transformation of the square began in the spring of 1972 and was opened to the public on November 28, 1973. Blood Alley Square has- hosted many gatherings over the years and will soon be the home to an underground music and cultural venue, along with two restaurants.
Plus don’t miss live music in Blood Alley Square every Thursday from 4:30pm-7:30pm from May 30 – Sept. 5, 2024.
Snap a photo of your favourite part of the new Blood Alley Square.

Stop 2 – Maple Tree Square
(You won’t miss me. I’m outside The Local, Six Acres, Kimprints, and Angel)
Welcome to the heart of Gastown, and well, the heart of Vancouver. Maple Tree Square is named for the large Maple Tree which stood here before the fire of 1886 and is the site of Vancouver’s first public meeting place. Maple Tree Square continues to be the life of the party with events taking place here all summer long.
Snap a photo of the pink Maple Tree outside of 1 Alexander St.

The Million Dollar Question
You may have noticed there is currently some work being done on the cobblestone bricks. This is the first time that work has been done on them since the initial brick paving that took place from 1971-1972 and is part of the larger (and very exciting) Gastown Public Spaces Plan.
How many bricks do you think are currently being restored in Maple Tree Square?
Get Stamped
Once you’ve snapped your photos, make your way to either the Old Spaghetti Factory or Make Vancouver to submit your answer and collect your stamps.
Happy learning! Don’t forget to tag us in any photos that you share on social media @mygastown.

Note: that all photos/facts are brought to you by The City Planning Dept., Vancouver, May 1975.