Name: Cecilia Liu

Occupation: Manager, Marketing Maven and Avid Pen Collector

Organization: Out & About

Social: @outnabout_321


What do you do and how did you get here?

I am the manager and marketing coordinator here at Out & About Boutique.

I moved to Vancouver from Shanghai in 2011, and spent the next 4 years studying Economics at UBC. Upon graduating, I went to Germany to complete my master’s, and then came back to Vancouver to work for a while both in a retail boutique and in doing social media for a commercial art gallery. The skills I gained in these positions turned out to be invaluable in promoting the success of Out & About.


What inspired the name of the shop?

We want people to come to this fantastic neighbourhood to shop and not just go to the mall or shop online. Out & About is a nice phrase to describe the action or activity of wandering around the neighbourhood and perhaps discovering a new coffee shop or boutique. What also inspired the name is that all of us here at the shop; myself, my mom, and her business partner Angela, travel quite extensively. As we explore the world, we encounter many interesting and beautiful things and we then bring them here to sell and to share with others.


What do you like about working in Gastown?

I love that I get to meet a lot of nice people – those that visit the shop and our neighbours. When you look at our instagram account you’ll see a lot of models on there. They’re all locals – people from some of the cafès and shops on West Cordova, a few of the folks working in the offices above us, and even some of our customers that live close by. I think that about sums up what makes Gastown awesome.


If you only had 15 minutes in Gastown – how would you spend it?

I’d probably go grab a coffee at Revolver and then go up to the rooftop of the parking garage across the road to take some pictures.


Can you recall a recent happy moment here in the neighbourhood?

The other day I went to Paperhound to buy some books and had a good conversation with a gal who works there named Kim. During the conversation, she complimented my eye makeup. I remember not mentioning that I worked at Out & About. A week later she came into the shop and we both instantly recognized each other. It was her first time checking out the shop. It made me happy knowing that local shop owners are customers too and we support each other.


What’s your philosophy for a good life?

Be yourself. Not everyone is going to like you or the way you dress, but who says you have to please everyone?