
A note for the lively trendsetter: this is your spot.

Introducing a growing list of new (or newly revamped) biz available 

Only in Gastown.

Food + Drink

Cafe Monaco

356 Water St

Espresso / Gelato / Pastries

The Cordova

136 W Cordova St

Cocktails / Comfort Food / Convival

Stega Eatery

301 W. Cordova St

Lunchtime / Quick Bites / Sandwiches

Prevously Bambo cafe

Shop + Style

From Another

202 Carrall St

Buy / Sell / Trade

The Shop Vancouver

88 E. Cordova St

Small Batch / Salvedge Japanese / American Denim / Leather 

Freeman Fashion

280 Carrall St.⁣⁣

Fashion / Chic

Shop Makers

38 Water St

Multiple Artisans / Local / Handmade

Previously The Nooks

Water Street Cannabis

348 Water St

Cannabis / New Age / Fun