Start of by keeping your mug in tip top shape for all those seasonal selfies? Head into Daybreak Spa for a customized facial, complete with a deep cleanse and skin analysis. They’ll even tune up those brows and offer you a hot towel foot massage!

If wet weather is putting a cramp in your usual stress relief routine, work out the kinks at Tantra Fitness. The Gastown studio offers cardio and choreography through pole dancing and aerial classes that are sure to keep you limber long into the New Year. 

Not ready to become a human pretzel? Metta Healings can realign your energy instead of your body. Reiki is a healing method that relieves stress, anxiety, headaches and chronic pain by balancing the energies in the body.

Unwind-FloathouseIf you’re looking to shut it all out, sign up to take a dip at Float House. Shed your clothes and your worries as you step into the tank, which feels a little like an enclosed bathtub. The water holds 800 lbs. of dissolved Epsom salts so you’ll float effortlessly in the warm water. Floating removes the forces that gravity exerts on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, giving your entire body a break, while the light-proof and sound-proof tank eliminates sensory input. After 90 minutes in there, you’ll be ready to make that list and check it twice!