Gastown is forever changing; such is the nature of consistency. Reliable? Of course. A discovery? Always.

Here’s a rundown of the current happenings in Gastown and what’s coming to the neighbourhood.

Gastown Not-So-Silent Nights: Save The Dates


Thursday December 12
Friday December 13

Thursday December 19
Friday December 20

From 5-8pm each night.

Gastown Nights are back!

We are bringing the warmth of the season to our vibrant neighbourhood during the last two Thursdays and Fridays leading up to December 24th.

All the holiday action begins right at Cambie and Water Street at 5pm.

+ Shop late night until 8pm
+ Watch the Leckie Building transform into a projection mapping video art installation
+ Listen to Vancouver’s top carollers sing for a cause
+ Take photos & post using #kissmeingastown under the ten mistletoe swags hung throughout Gastown, including Vancouver’s largest mistletoe sprinkled with a snow machine.
+ Interact with roaming street entertainers
+ Walk Under the Stars on Abbott Street
+Take a photo in our human sized snow globe

Facebook event page.

Mistletoe and #KissMeInGastown


As they say: Whatever happens under the mistletoe, stays under the mistletoe.

Be what it may, grab your loved one and kiss under one, or all 10 mistletoe stations hanging throughout the neighbourhood.

Make sure to find The Big One – a sparkling seasonal swag that’s the largest in the city.

Use the hashtag #KISSMEINGASTOWN (along with #gastown & #mygastown) to be in for a chance to win a $500 Gastown Shopping Spree. Best photo on social wins. Contest closes 11.59pm December 20th 2019.

All I want for Christmas…


A new car? An iPhone X? More teeth?

Check out the awesome mural created by local artist Harrison Garvin @harrygarvs

It will be up until the New Year so now’s the time get a pic or two. It’s located at the West Cordova entrance to the alley behind Out & About boutique at 321 West Cordova St.

Now Open


Poggenpohl Kitchen Atelier – 101 Water Street

Welcome to Gastown! Poggenpohl is a high end German manufacturer and contractor of custom designed kitchens. The expansive showroom sits comfortably regal on the corner of northwest corner of Water & Abbott.

HeathersBouquets copyHeather’s The Flowershop – 422 West Cordova 

Recently taken over by new management, Heather’s The Flowershop is offering new services for the season and into the new year. With a revamped design, the section of flora & fauna is fresh & inspiring. We are happy to welcome new owner Azin Taj to the neighbourhood!

ART Social – Witches of Vancouver at Liquid Amber Tatto0 & Art Collective

Friday December 20th
Free to attend

Witches of Vancouver: Coming out of the Broom Closet” is a photo-documentary series by local photographer, Jessie Robertson Photography. Through interviews and portraits, twelve Vancouver based self-identified Witches speak candidly about their paths, and what it was like to come out of the ‘broom closet’ in a society that still often shutters at the word, “Witch”.